Our Ecosystem includes unique companies that support Smart Cities, and Smart Base modernization. BTI along with our industry leading technology ecosystem teammates, create, design, build, and deploy, information and communication technologies (ICT) and infrastructure, that enable NextG solutions for Smart Cities and military operations, while providing FutureG technology and sustainment.
Our Ecosystem focuses on the needs of our customers, from training and education, 5G/SATCOM mobile solutions, to next generation applications, that provide intelligence for optimum use of resources, improved performance, and situational awareness.
- TAC members focus on building a sustainable Smart Future through cognitive thinking and collaboration.
- TAC will expand your innovation boundaries, build, grow new relationships, and define new opportunities includes fostering collaboration with all technologist, inventors, professors, CIOs, CTOs, CEOs, CFO, etc., to build Smart Cities and Smart Bases
- TAC includes key global thought leaders from the telecommunications standards industry that include: 3GPP, ITU, IEEE, OnGo, WIA, TiF CTIA, NTIA, ETSI, NSXTL, TMForum National Spectrum Consortium (NSC) CAMARA Telco Global API Alliance standards organizations, etc.